I was exiting about discussing with someone who live in the USA, and the first contact was a great experience. It is strang to talk with someone when we know nothing about him, but with Xavier it was fine because we have many interests in commun. For the first and the second conversation we have both spoken 30 minutes in french and 30 minutes in English.
My feeling that it was hard to understand the English even if I hope Xavier understood my english. When we spoke french, I found that Xavier has a great knowledge of french vocabulary.
For the first exchange, we talked aboutthe differences between the Californian life (weather, studies, hobbies) and the life in France.
During the second conversation we discussed about our Town we grew up, and the city where we study.
I show Xavier the town where I grew up: Colmar

It was nice to know some stereotype about our country, for example with Paris and L.A.
I'm convinced that the others conversations will be interessant, because it is pleasant to know many things about the american culture.
Patrick F.
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