Tuesday, November 26, 2013

3rd and 4th conversation with Xavier.

3rd and 4th Conversation with my partner:
      Xavier and me discussed about the suburbs. We did not know a lot of things about the suburbs. Personaly, I grew up in a very small village with 400 inhabitants. I just know somethings about suburbs because of the movies and series.We disccussed the main differences. Suburbs in the USA are more somewhere rich people live.People from the suburbs perhaps looks hostils when we are a new citizen but when we could find them really friendly after some months.
     What about the fourth conversation ? We described our life in our university. it was really nice to discover the student life. They are  similarities in  our timetables. We also deal with our professors and the stress levels. We notice that there is a lot of stress before the exams. It was interresting to compare our university experiences. For example, the extra-scholar activities. Xavier does a lot of Karate, and for me it is a lot of music.
During our free time in bordeaux we can visit the citie. For instance, going near to the Garonne, and the place called:" The water mirror"

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